#ifndef WIDGETTOOLTIP_H #define WIDGETTOOLTIP_H #include #include "widget.h" //! A Tooltip class class CTooltip { public: /*! Constructor */ CTooltip(); /*! Create Tooltip \param parent HANDLE of the parent window on which to draw \param owner Parent window of the tooltip when created (default: NULL) \param text Text to be displayed \param popuptime Popup time in milliseconds \return Success: S_OK\n Failure: E_HANDLE */ HRESULT Create(HANDLE parent, HANDLE owner, char * text, unsigned int popuptime); /*! Enable Tooltip */ HRESULT Enable(); /*! Disable Tooltip */ HRESULT Disable(); HRESULT SetText(char * text); char * GetText(); HRESULT SetPopupTime(unsigned int popuptime); unsigned int GetPopupTime(); protected: HANDLE hWnd; char Text[64]; unsigned int PopupTime; }; #endif