# tmux+irssi as a systemd user-service A collection of hacks to run [irssi](https://irssi.org/) inside [tmux](https://tmux.github.io/) via a systemd user service. I hope by publishing this that someone can be inspired to find a way to do it without so many awful hacks (and let me know about it!). ## Why I use [adv_windowlist.pl](https://github.com/irssi/scripts.irssi.org/blob/master/scripts/adv_windowlist.pl) which has great integration with tmux. I want irssi to start and stop cleanly on system reboot, which means starting up tmux. ## What * `irssi.service`: systemd user service. Install to `/etc/systemd/user/` * `tmux-irssi.env`: optional environment file. Install to `~/.config/` * `pid.pl`: irssi script to write a pid file. Install to `~/.irssi/scripts/` (and symlink in `~/.irssi/scripts/autorun/`) ## Installation After installing the files, enable "Lingering" and enable the service itself: ```sh $ loginctl enable-linger $(whoami) $ systemctl --user daemon-reload $ systemctl --user enable --now irssi ``` The you can connect to tmux with ```sh tmux -L irssi attach ```